Ahhhh, the holidays have begun. Time to make my way north to Tulsa for Thanksgiving. I'm really looking forward to it. To see my friends, and I guess family as well, although they can me a little taxing at times.
I always loved going home to Tulsa when I didn't live there. I loved going out with friends and seeing people I haven't seen in awhile. It's fun.
I also have an interesting meeting/date with an old flame. I'm trying not to over analyze that situation too much. Just have fun, catch up. Problem is, I'm totally over analyzing, too a point that I can't sleep the last few nights. I'm sure my old flame isn't thinking too much about it right now, because, after all he is a man. I'm ready to just see him, and get it over with so I can stop thinking about all the "what ifs".
Really, I should go back to my
previous post, and take some of my own advise. You know, If it didn't work out then, could it really work out now????? In my heart-I say yes, in my mind-I say no. HMMMM quite the dilemma....