Friday, October 8, 2010

Pi Phi T-Shirt

This is a text conversation I had last night with a guy who I dated about a month and a half ago. I really did like him but he pulled the old "MIA" after a few weeks. I thought this was funny because I just started lying to him when he didn't know who I was.  ---(these are my comments)

Diane: i never think about you
MIA: ha, who is this? my phone decided to go swimming in a pool recently.
D: you know a ton of people from 918---(my tulsa area code)?
M: Broken Arrow or Bartlesville? ----(neighboring towns of tulsa)
M: Jenks, Muskogee? I have no idea. Just googled 918. I do like this game though.
D: Let me refresh ur memory. We had a one nite stand and it was the best nite of my life. Soooo Hot. ---(lie)
M: So this is a girl....from somewhere in northeastern Oklahoma...w/ a flare for sarcasm.
D: your warm
M: I give up
D: Idiot or Asshole?
M: Just messing with you. I have your pi phi shirt by the way. are you out tonight? I'm watching what about bob in bed. -----(By the way, i've never been in a sorority so that wouldn't be my Pi Phi shirt)
D: Oh god I've been missing my pi phi shirt. ----(lie) Im home now.
M: Don't you have like 40 of them? Not a bad trade for "the best night of your life" right?
D: I need that shirt back. Its part of my amazing collection of sorority shirts that I will pass on to my grandchildren
M: I'm having it framed in a shadowbox to commemorate things
D: Oh, to remember the best on night stand ever?!?!? I like that. I will be waiting for the UPS man to deliver it.     God I miss phi pi. Good times. Good times.
M: I'm keeping it... on my wall....between sorority T's of my conquests from Muskogee and Bartlesville.
D: Nice. OK girls are easy. Be proud of your many OK conquests. I am proud that I'm a slutty sorority girl.
M: Wanna do it again?
D: Oh yeah
D; Come over
D: Now
M: No wheels till tomorrow. You come here. ASAP
D: MIA!!!!!
M: Stalemate, sucks
D: Ok honestly. Who do you think this is?
D: Names!?!?
M: Now I'm worried. Why don't you just tell me??
D: Hint. Thats not my phi pi shirt. so not that girl
M: I really don't have a clue who this could be. I have like 4 numbers in this phone. It was fun playing 20 questions though. Night.
D: Chicken Shit
M: Who IS this??
M: DCW----(im guessing some other girls initials)
D: Diane, God
D: More of a player than I thought
M: Good God. Threw me. Was more than a one night stand.
D: I liked F%$^ing with ya. It was entertainment :-) night
M: Ah the delights of phone loss and sex with girls from Oklahoma. Messing with you too. I once got to third base with a girl from Henryetta. Did take ma about ten texts though. Fun. Night night.

He is an idiot. Never talking to him again.
Happy Friday!!!

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